Here we are … again. Mark Zuckerberg was chewed out (again) on Capitol Hill.  Google enraged their employees (again) by trying to spy on them and for siding with China (again).  Cloudflare was outed (again) for refusing to crack down on criminal behavior on their network. In other words, here is the latest installment in our ongoing coverage... Read more

Just when you thought the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) couldn’t possibly hate creatives more than they already do, they’ve now appointed one of the greatest anti-copyright champs of them all: UC Berkeley professor Pamela Samuelson. Over many decades in academia, Samuelson has worked diligently to weaken copyright protections so that massive internet companies... Read more

Dear Mark Zuckerberg, Well, here we are again, sharing our outrage about your company’s seriously flawed system of monitoring “political” advertisements on your platform.  We both know why we’re putting quotes around the word, “political.” We’ve been over this before – back in January, in fact, when we wrote you to complain about... Read more

Over the last few months, various committees in Congress have been considering a Bill called the CASE Act. The Bill would create a small claims tribunal within the U.S. Copyright Office, providing a much-needed alternative to expensive court proceedings for our nation’s creatives and small businesses who believe that their rights... Read more

Dear YouTube Human Resources, We were recently, as we are wont to do, whiling away the hours by reading the YouTube Creator Blog (not really), and came across CEO Susan Wojcicki’s post titled “Preserving Openness Through Responsibility.” We were dismayed to find numerous misstatements and errors, along with passages in which... Read more