Valerie McCaffrey

Second in the series. I thought that being part of a film that could reach out across borders both in America and Armenia and could make people laugh would be a perfect venue for the film audience both here in the US and the world. Lost and Found in Armenia was... Read more

Lisa Hammer

First in the series. I have been an artist my whole life. I spent thousands of hours and dollars studying film-making, music, and acting. I have been creating my own work since the 80s and for many, many years I was able to make a good living as a filmmaker/musician.... Read more

Photo by Kav777

A funny thing happens when you ask people to do the right thing. Sometimes, they do. At CreativeFuture, we keep calling attention to the (almost always) unintentional role that advertising from major companies plays in supporting the theft of our creative works. Piracy is a for-profit, black market business that... Read more

CreativeFuture Leadership Committee member Hawk Koch has drafted an open letter to the entertainment industry on the issue of diversity. In the letter, the former Academy President challenges all members of the film industry to work together to create programs and extend opportunities to those who are not yet a... Read more

Two weeks ago, we posted an article to our blog by producer Richard Gladstein, the Founder and President of FilmColony and a member of CreativeFuture’s Leadership Committee. In the article, which originally ran in The Hollywood Reporter, Gladstein called Google’s defense of certain Fair Use cases “a distraction” from the... Read more

‘The Hateful Eight’ producer Richard Gladstein weighs in on Google’s Fair Use defense. By Richard Gladstein “Fair Use” is an important exemption and distinction to copyright law. It permits non-copyright owners to engage in analysis, criticism, and parody of copyrighted material. It also grants permission to artists to build upon... Read more

YouTube creators aren’t immune from some of the same challenges facing more traditional media outlets. By Ruth Vitale This article originally appeared on LinkedIn Pulse.   Some people are dying to see the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens (where is Luke Skywalker?), some are hooked on The Walking Dead... Read more

Actor, writer, and director Ben Samuels discusses the creativity we’re all born with – but only some pursue. By Ben Samuels Every child dreams. Runs, plays, imagines, creates. Every child wants to sing or dance or make believe, creating entire worlds in playrooms and backyards. At some point, however, there... Read more

“For a photographer, it often seems like our greatest efforts, borne of passion and skill, have become mere commodities.” By Melinda Sue Gordon I take pictures for a living. Not just any pictures, either. I work on film sets – capturing the cast and the crew, which is made up... Read more