In August 2022, Meta launched an interactive AI tool called BlenderBot. As the name suggests, it generates text by remixing online content. In other words, it’s the latest Big Tech product built on infringement in the name of innovation. Comparing earlier language generators to BlenderBot, Vox reported it’s unbelievably crappy.... Read more

Dear Members, Friends, and Family, We’ve been a very good nonprofit coalition this year. Well, okay, we’ve occasionally been pretty damn naughty. But the targets of our ire richly deserve it! We’re sure you’ll agree upon reviewing our Timelines of Scandal and Strife. News alert: Silicon Valley is still just... Read more

Like many people around the world, we’re devastated by the brutal invasion of Ukraine. After a history of oppression by Russia and other foreign powers, Ukrainians risk once again losing their independence, hard-won in 1991. In solidarity with Ukraine, many Europeans reportedly have been taking cold showers, which reduces Russia’s... Read more

If anyone knows what makes a great film festival, it’s Jackie Tepper. Since getting her start in the entertainment industry 30 years ago, Jackie Tepper has been around the world travelling to festivals in search of great independent films as an acquisitions executive. But for the past 15 years, Tepper... Read more