Welcome to our latest arts roundup! Today, we’re focusing once again on a place. This time a place where some of our team spend a good deal of time – namely, Washington, D.C. While curating destinations near our Capitol, we ruled out monuments and Smithsonian museums because they’re already well... Read more

Before a conversation with Richard Reens, one must surmount the challenge of picking from the dozens of topics in which Reens has considerable expertise. After all, Reens has made a career out of taking award-winning still photographs, directing commercials for some of the most recognizable global brands, and directing narrative... Read more

If you watched President Biden’s State of the Union address, you saw Members of Congress giving a standing ovation to former Facebook executive Frances Haugen – “former” being the operative word, as Haugen changed her title from “Product Manager” to “Whistleblower” in late 2021. In her September 2021 testimony before... Read more

Once in a while, we step off our soapbox, unclench our fists, and lay down our megaphone so that we can publish an arts roundup. We’ll never let commercial-scale pirates off the hook, but we’re most formidable when remembering our passion for culture and creativity. It’s what motivates us to... Read more

Almost two years have passed since concert venues were forced to shutter their doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Large and small musicians alike have been feeling the financial strain of pandemic closures for far too long. Now, these venues are starting to reopen, and we are inching closer and... Read more

How do you pack someone’s whole life into one movie? It certainly sounds like a daunting task – taking decades of memories, experiences, fears, and romances, and finding a way to put them all in a digestible medium for an audience to experience. Some may think it’s impossible – but... Read more