Welcome, dear reader, to our latest arts round-up! Today’s category is photography, and you’re in for a special treat – for this curated collection of art that amazes and inspires, each CreativeFuture staff member has not only selected a photograph but also agreed to an exclusive interview. We’ve listed staff... Read more

Dear Members, Friends, and Family, After another tumultuous year, we’re glad to have reached this special season, when the air rings with holiday greetings from people representing so many different traditions. “Merry Snoggletog!” some of them cry. “Happy Hogswatch!” others say. “Reason’s Greetings!” you may also hear. At CreativeFuture, we... Read more

During the pandemic, we rounded up art that could transport us to another world. We were tired of being trapped inside four walls, so we looked for avenues of imaginative escape. Happily, we found inspiration in video games or TikTok creations. We even cherished hopes of swaying public opinion on... Read more

Every Thanksgiving, we share reflections on some creative works from the year that we’ve appreciated. It’s one of our favorite holiday traditions, and it gives us a small break from burning digital pirates in effigy or demanding accountability for Big Tech. Just don’t think we’re going soft!  Seriously, the genius... Read more

When the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act (PLSA) was signed into law in 2020, it closed a loophole that allowed streaming pirates to avoid being charged with a felony – despite the fact that every other form of large-scale piracy was treated as a felony. This loophole would have been closed... Read more