Another World IP Day – the annual celebration of intellectual property in all its forms – has come and gone. It offers an excellent reminder that intellectual property theft comes in many forms and that we shouldn’t forget about the lesser-known variations of piracy that fly under the radar. The... Read more

If the staff of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) ever decide to quit their day jobs protecting Big Tech interests, we’d wager that they would have a bright future in fiction writing. From creating alternate universes to building men out of straw, the Big Tech advocacy group seems to exist... Read more

Remember the days when you could walk up to a Broadway theater’s box office window and buy a ticket for the show in person? Sure, there were always online sales, too, but there was something magical about actually talking to the smiling ticket seller, handing over your hard-earned money, and... Read more

In case you had any doubt how YouTube feels about artists, the company made its views clear in November with a sneaky alteration to how it monetizes videos. If you were among those who always thought that YouTube feels nothing for artists, this news proved you were 100% correct! “Starting... Read more

Big Tech companies have a knack for wielding the “free speech” argument as a shield to avoid tackling the systemic criminal behavior on their platforms. This tendency bleeds into the realms of copyright disputes and content protection, where Big Tech’s deep-pocketed, anti-copyright advocacy network often vilifies efforts to fight piracy... Read more

By Justin Sanders There are flickers of light at the end of our long, dark pandemic tunnel – but, for now, we are still stumbling through it, groping for purchase as we try to find our way out. Fortunately, there are moments of illumination along this journey, blazing moments of... Read more