In 2012, Choire Sicha at The Awl voiced a concern about Pinterest being entirely dependent on copyright infringement — calling it “delightful, addictive, and theft.” Sicha also commented on the platform presenting an even greater problem than Napster and Megaupload. Bold statement, right?! Is there some truth to it? Serving as an... Read more

A new year, a new Congress … and the sixth installment in our series featuring brilliant commentary by others about the endlessly burning dumpster fire that is Big Tech! 2018 ended with yet another Facebook face palm, with new reports showing that the company gave corporate clients intrusive access to user... Read more

For adults of a certain age – whose formative years included uncountable hours of mashing primitive controllers in pursuit of 8- and 16-bit pixelated glory – there are few things as nostalgic as Nintendo and Super NES games. So, it’s not surprising that on the internet – where nothing ever... Read more

While shooting the film he won an Oscar for, The Revenant, Leonardo DiCaprio made headlines for the hardships he endured outdoors in subzero temperatures. But the hardest job on that film may have occurred indoors, in a room rarely thought about by people not involved with post-production – the coloring... Read more

In 2015, CreativeFuture began our Follow the Money campaign – an effort to reduce the appearances of legitimate advertisements on pirate websites. See, pirate websites depend heavily on advertising to make money – and they rely on widely-known brands appearing on their website to give their own criminal operations some... Read more