Art is so ubiquitous in our society that we often take it for granted. Indeed, it’s almost impossible to turn at any street corner without seeing something that an artist designed. Art can be found in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and forms – and everywhere from billboards on your way to... Read more

With all the controversy swirling around Big Tech in 2018, you may have missed yet another, slightly less reported-on scandal that occurred near the end of the year in New Zealand. It involved the murder of British backpacker Grace Millane, and the temporary name suppression ordered by the local authorities... Read more

Whether or not Santa Claus is part of your winter holiday tradition, you are almost certainly aware of his infamous “list.” You know, the thing that he “checks twice” and through some calculus known only to him, determines who on it has been “naughty or nice.” This year, I have... Read more

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is the protagonist in a propaganda war about the new EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. One of the directive’s stated aims was to ensure that hosting sites such as YouTube step up to their responsibility to discourage the uploading of creative copyright... Read more