Typos are annoying. In fact, there’s no one that hates typos more than me, Ruth Vitale. Ask anyone that works at CreativeFuture. Really. But, at the same time, I trust that most people are smart enough to get by and understand what a writer meant when the mistake is minor.... Read more

Google, and its parent Alphabet, have always shown a remarkable ability to maintain consumer goodwill – their reputation remains strong and their market cap immense despite a litany of misdeeds that would likely have seriously bruised, if not floored, most other companies. What kinds of misdeeds? Harvesting user data en... Read more

The science-fiction genre has a way of painting the term “artificial intelligence” (A.I.) with doomsday-tinted strokes, but the more immediate hazard posed by our future machine overlords seems not existential but occupational. A 2017 study released by the McKinsey Global Institute predicted that by 2030, as many as 800 million... Read more