It’s been a minute since we last heard from Chris Cox, the man who at one time was, as WIRED put it, “effectively in charge of product for four of the six largest social media platforms in the world.” As Facebook’s longtime chief product officer, Cox has effectively been Mark Zuckerberg’s... Read more

By Ruth Vitale

The election is over, but political division is here to stay. Unfortunately. For now, we remain a deeply polarized nation.  It is a sad truth that many Americans are so passionate about their political beliefs that they cannot imagine discussing politics with someone from the other side, let alone being... Read more

By Ruth Vitale

Representative Ted Deutch, of Florida’s 22nd district, is a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee. RUTH VITALE: Ted, thank you so much for agreeing to this interview. You were one of the first Members of Congress I ever met after taking this job at CreativeFuture. And you remain one... Read more

The real-world mayhem many predicted for the 2020 election never quite materialized. But there has been plenty of online mayhem before and after – much of it on Facebook. With powerful forces sowing confusion and chaos across every major platform, our collective rage, mistrust, and anxiety just keeps on burning... Read more

By Justin Sanders

In July, The New York Times reported on an organization called the Global Antitrust Institute (GAI), a think tank funded by the likes of Google and other Big Tech heavyweights. Its goal, per the newspaper: to wine and dine, cajole, pamper, and influence government officials around the world who enforce competition laws. Offering opulent... Read more

ALL TIMELINE UPDATES August 18, 2004  A Catchphrase Is Born Google makes its unofficial corporate motto, “Don’t Be Evil,” part of the public record, devoting an entire section to the catchphrase in their public offering prospectus. “We believe strongly that in the long term, we will be better served—as shareholders and... Read more