Though it’s been one of the more harrowing back-to-school seasons, well, ever, schools are back in session or are about to get back in session, and CreativeFuture is here to help – with some extra-credit learning materials designed to teach students the value of copyright and creativity. We believe it... Read more

We recently saw a Mercury News interview with Wendy Liu, a former Google software engineer turned techlash cheerleader, talking about her new book, “Abolish Silicon Valley.” And we found ourselves nodding in agreement with some of her concerns. “Why are Google and Facebook so big? They have control over the advertising thing and... Read more

Facebook’s Department of Responsible Innovation is staffing up. In February, the department hired the World Economic Forum’s former head of technology policy, Zvika Krieger, as its new “Director of Responsible Innovation.” Now, it seeks a “Responsible Innovation Manager” to work under Krieger and help the department in its mission. The notion of a “RESPONSIBLE”... Read more

By Ruth Vitale

In November 2018, reeling from growing public outcry over toxic and harmful content on their platform, Facebook pledged to create an independent Oversight Board to assist with making its most important content moderation decisions.  More than 18 months later, the Board has materialized, with 20 inaugural members in what will ultimately... Read more

We want to express our heartfelt solidarity with the individuals, families, and communities in crisis. Our nation is hurting. Centuries of violence against black communities have left us hoping for justice and for peace and equality. As a community, we must do better to promote reconciliation and equality for all.... Read more

By Justin Sanders

[All photos courtesy of Julian Fort] When we last spoke with Julian Fort, in September of 2018, he had recently completed his first feature film, The Midnighters. With a powerful lead performance from Leon Russom (The Big Lebowski), the indie thriller made the most of its shoestring budget and has... Read more

By Ruth Vitale

Representative Hank Johnson, of Georgia, is Chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet. RUTH VITALE: Representative Johnson, thank you for agreeing to answer questions for our new Heroes on the Hill series of Q&A’s. Given your position as the Chair of the IP Subcommittee, we... Read more