By Justin Sanders

If you are a musician or a composer, you probably have a basic understanding of how one makes money in your profession. However, as one very successful professional musician once said, “The times they are a-changing.” The good news is that music revenue is rising again in the age of... Read more

By: Georgia Stitt

  I make my living as a composer and lyricist, working in collaboration with playwrights to make new musicals for the theater. I have a lot to say about sheet music, and I’ll get to that, but I’d like to start by drawing your attention to World Intellectual Property Day.... Read more

By: Melanie Maupin

The red carpet, with its history of fame, success, and glamour, carries a royal air wherever it appears. Just walking on it can create a sense of confidence – as evidenced by a joke on NBC’s Parks and Recreation that finds government staffer Tom Haverford showing off a pair of... Read more

Dear Mr. Cerf, You have many admirers for your pioneering work in the launch of the internet, and we count ourselves among them. You earned your unofficial sobriquet, the “Father of the Internet,” by envisioning a utopic network on which data and research could be shared freely around the world... Read more


By: Melanie Maupin

Even before your favorite films hit theatres, many were first screened at film festivals. For the past 85 years, festivals have been vital to the global film industry and popular culture at large. They have opened doors for generations of emerging artists, fulfilled dreams, heralded shifts in the kinds of... Read more


[The] latest piracy threat [is] even more worrisome to the music industry: stream ripping. – Wall Street Journal, September 12, 2016 Recently, Taylor Swift debuted her latest single, “Look What You Made Me Do,” online to great viral fanfare – quickly smashing records in its wake. On YouTube, the song’s... Read more