By: Gale Anne Hurd This article originally appeared in USA Today.  FCC set-top box proposal will make zombies of your favorite TV shows. Back in December of 2013, I attended Variety’s Content Protection Summit and delivered what turned out to be a pretty prophetic statement: “There’s a mistaken belief by many of my... Read more

Photo by Gajus

Two weeks ago, we posted an article to our blog by producer Richard Gladstein, the Founder and President of FilmColony and a member of CreativeFuture’s Leadership Committee. In the article, which originally ran in The Hollywood Reporter, Gladstein called Google’s defense of certain Fair Use cases “a distraction” from the... Read more

Last Sunday, The New York Times ran an article on Hana Beshara, the founder of the pirate website NinjaVideo who was convicted for conspiracy and criminal copyright infringement and served 16 months in prison. The story raised more than a few eyebrows for its sympathetic treatment of Beshara, whose only... Read more

Flesh-eating zombies are not the only thing that concerns Gale Anne Hurd. The Executive Producer of AMC’s hit series “The Walking Dead” spoke out yesterday about the harmful impact of piracy at Variety’s annual Content Protection Summit. Says the Creative Community, Responsible Businesses, and Parents Can All Play a Role... Read more

Yesterday, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s) took a positive step toward combating rogue websites that peddle pirated and counterfeit products and content. The industry leaders reached an agreement that encourages marketers to avoid advertising on “rogue” sites dedicated to stealing others’... Read more