
By: Melanie Maupin

Even before your favorite films hit theatres, many were first screened at film festivals. For the past 85 years, festivals have been vital to the global film industry and popular culture at large. They have opened doors for generations of emerging artists, fulfilled dreams, heralded shifts in the kinds of... Read more


[The] latest piracy threat [is] even more worrisome to the music industry: stream ripping. – Wall Street Journal, September 12, 2016 Recently, Taylor Swift debuted her latest single, “Look What You Made Me Do,” online to great viral fanfare – quickly smashing records in its wake. On YouTube, the song’s... Read more

By: Ruth Vitale, CEO, CreativeFuture

Summer holidays are upon us! And it seems the right time for all of us at CreativeFuture to thank you, our friends and followers, for the success we’ve had in the last year or so. When we asked for your help, and needed you to #StandCreative, you were there –... Read more


By: Lucy Sosa

Filming a realistic version of the “Miracle on the Hudson” in Sully was no easy or cheap feat for Warner Bros. They had to buy two retired Airbus A320s, place them in an artificial lake, soften the California light by hanging a massive silk drape from a crane, and hire... Read more

By: Lucy Sosa

When Lost first came out on iTunes back in 2005, when it was one of just five shows you could buy for $1.99 an episode, I remember thinking it was the best thing ever. Gone were the days of begging my Mom to drive me to Best Buy for the... Read more