CreativeFuture announces the launch of a Leadership Committee composed of leaders from the creative community. August 19, 2015 LOS ANGELES – CreativeFuture today announces the launch of a Leadership Committee composed of a cross section of leaders from the creative community. These individuals have and will continue to serve as ambassadors for... Read more

“The West Wing” Writer and Producer Paul Redford explains how a strong creative economy allows him to support a family. Last week on Capitol Hill, the Creative Rights Caucus hosted “From Script to Screen,” an event that featured industry leaders and creatives discussing what’s involved in bringing some of the most... Read more

Screenwriter James V. Hart opines on the difference between honorable and dishonorable pirates. James V. Hart writes about pirates – the eye patch and peg leg kind, not the ones that host stolen creative works on ever-changing website domains. The screenwriter, whose lengthy credits include Hook, was on Capitol Hill... Read more

Mainstream media outlets are finally starting to recognize and report on the significant role that search engines play in facilitating online piracy. Netflix is one of the most popular and accessible video distribution networks on the planet – providing convenient, on-demand access to select films and televisions shows for more... Read more

The extraordinary engineers and thinkers who are making content available are also capable of coming up with ingenious ways of keeping creative content safe. A major news narrative coming out of last month’s boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao was about the use of Periscope by some fans... Read more

In 2014, nearly 600 pirate sites generated an estimated $209 million in revenue from advertising alone – a significant portion coming from major brands. From Amazon to Zappos and hundreds in between, brands that have become trusted, household names around the world are also some of the biggest contributors of... Read more

Study shows advertising is a key source of funding for 88% of the top 250 most popular pirate sites in the European Union. Since advertising leaders created the initiative in June 2014, CreativeFuture has been closely following the industry’s efforts to bring greater accountability to the advertising ecosystem, including preventing the... Read more