By Ruth Vitale

As Europe’s Article 13 – and YouTube’s increasingly dirty efforts to stop it – has grabbed the lion’s share of copyright-related headlines in recent weeks, our government has quietly been stepping up its game against intellectual property theft here in the States.    In the ongoing trade battle with China, our... Read more

By Justin Sanders

A new year, a new Congress … and the sixth installment in our series featuring brilliant commentary by others about the endlessly burning dumpster fire that is Big Tech! 2018 ended with yet another Facebook face palm, with new reports showing that the company gave corporate clients intrusive access to user... Read more

By Justin Sanders

While shooting the film he won an Oscar for, The Revenant, Leonardo DiCaprio made headlines for the hardships he endured outdoors in subzero temperatures. But the hardest job on that film may have occurred indoors, in a room rarely thought about by people not involved with post-production – the coloring... Read more

By Justin Sanders

With all the controversy swirling around Big Tech in 2018, you may have missed yet another, slightly less reported-on scandal that occurred near the end of the year in New Zealand. It involved the murder of British backpacker Grace Millane, and the temporary name suppression ordered by the local authorities... Read more

By Ruth Vitale

In 2009, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted in a Business Insider interview that his prime directive to his developers and team was to “Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough.” Zuckerberg would later update that uplifting little motto to the far... Read more