By Justin Sanders

Every year, one filmmaker takes home the CreativeFuture Innovation Award from the Slamdance Film Festival. This year’s winner is Erick Oh, whose powerful animated short Opera uses a single, massive canvas and an army of faceless, lemming-like drones to convey the full sweep of human society and history in all... Read more

As if Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t given us enough to worry about, now he’s going after our kids. Again. Facebook-owned Instagram has children under 13 in its sights for a new version of the photo sharing application, according to an internal employee post that BuzzFeed News got its hands on in... Read more

By Justin Sanders

Another World IP Day – the annual celebration of intellectual property in all its forms – has come and gone. It offers an excellent reminder that intellectual property theft comes in many forms and that we shouldn’t forget about the lesser-known variations of piracy that fly under the radar. The... Read more

Dear Friends and Family, Happy Holidays from CreativeFuture HQ, where we may be scattered to the four winds, but where our collective Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza/Diwali/Tet/Festivus spirit is as strong as ever. Like much of the rest of the world, we went remote in 2020, checking in over an endless stream of video... Read more

The real-world mayhem many predicted for the 2020 election never quite materialized. But there has been plenty of online mayhem before and after – much of it on Facebook. With powerful forces sowing confusion and chaos across every major platform, our collective rage, mistrust, and anxiety just keeps on burning... Read more

It’s been a long, tough year – and yes, we are as tired of hearing that sentiment as you are. That is why we suggest taking a much-deserved break from, well, the world this Thanksgiving and just living your best life for a few days. If you are anything like... Read more