Here we are … again. Mark Zuckerberg was chewed out (again) on Capitol Hill.  Google enraged their employees (again) by trying to spy on them and for siding with China (again).  Cloudflare was outed (again) for refusing to crack down on criminal behavior on their network. In other words, here is the latest installment in our ongoing coverage... Read more

Over the years, we are all faced with countless decisions that will determine the direction of our lives: Where to go to college. Where to live. Who to marry. What career to pursue. Where to work. What home to buy. Whether or not to have kids. How to raise them.... Read more

The internet has given, and it has taken away. It has created abundant riches for some, and brought about staggering, even ruinous losses for others – and nowhere has this dichotomous paradigm been more apparent than in industries supported by copyright. People employed in the production of books, journalism, movies,... Read more